Welcome back after Summer Holidays! We have a busy but exciting term ahead with special events planned for the school. I’m very much looking forward to working with all of the new and existing children in Oak Class.


oak newsletter autumn 1

oak newsletter autumn 2

Trip/ Visitor: Shropshire Museums Toys in the Past – Monday 18th November. 

Forest School starts Friday 15th November 2019.

There are 2 themes this term in Oak class: Superfit and Come and Play.

Autumn Term 1 – Superfit!

English – Fiction – Stories in Familiar Settings, parts of a story. Non-Fiction –Recipes/ Instructions. Poetry – songs, repetitive poems and shapes. SPAG – types of sentences, speech bubbles, noun, verbs and adjectives.

Maths – Timed body/ fitness challenges. Number and place value up to 100, ordering numbers, addition and subtraction.

Science – Body parts, food groups, healthy eating, keeping fit, hygiene & sleep, medicines. Hand washing investigation. Seasonal changes – autumn.

History – Find out about significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national & international achievements such as Mary Seacole & Florence Nightingale. Find out about aspects of life in Victorian times in relation to medicine and hospitals & make comparisons to those of today.

Geography – In relation to the journeys made by Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole  –  name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans. Where in the World do exotic fruits originate from?

Art and DT – Giuseppe Arcimboldo – creating pictures in the style of the artist. Observational drawings of fruits in pastels, paints, printing. Cooking and nutrition, following recipes.

Computing – Internet safety. Logging on independently, Maths Whizz, keyboard skills, paint.

RE – Why is the word God so important to Christians?

Music – Body songs.

PE – Attack, defend, shoot – ball skills. Dance and yoga.

PSHE – Relationships – Feelings and Emotions and Healthy Relationships

Worship – friendship

Autumn 2 – Come and Play

Literacy – Fiction: Stories in a familiar setting – Dogger, Toys in Space, Too Many Toys  – Story writing, speech, connectives, suffixes.

Non-Fiction: Poster writing about giving our favourite toy away.

Poetry: Winter/ Christmas themed acrostic, description.

Maths – Multiplication and Division, Odd/Even numbers, Shapes, Money, Days of the week and Months of the Year, Time, Tally Charts and Bar Graphs. Challenges.

Science – Identify and name what objects are made from & find out the origins of those materials.  Explore the properties of materials and whether they are natural or man-made. Think about the reasons play equipment has been made from the material it has. Investigate which materials are suitable for a given purpose.

Geography – Devise a simple map of school playground/village playground and use and construct basic symbols in a key.

History – History of toys – making comparisons between old and new, Visit from Shropshire Museums – Toys in the past.

ICT – Find out about and explore a variety of devices eg ipod, ipads, wiis, Nintendo ds. Children present information on their gadgets. Finding images safely, copying and pasting, printing and saving. Keyboard skills – sentence maker: a day at the park. 2paint. Beebot programming.

PE – Ball skills – football and Forest Schools.

Art and DT – Design and make a model of a playground ride. Sketching playground rides. Printing with natural objects found in the playground – leaves etc.

PSHE – Health and Wellbeing: Healthy lifestyles

Music – Action/ game songs. Christmas songs with percussion.

RE – Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas?

Worship – Humility

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